Tag: marketing
Avoid these 3 mistakes and you’ll make better business videos!
Video production can be a time consuming and expensive enterprise. Experience in this field will help you avoid many pitfalls. I’ll share my own experience here and highlight three mistakes that you can avoid while making your own business and marketing videos.
Marketing is About Values
If marketing is about values, how can you enunciate this truth in your own marketing efforts and are Batelco and STC doing the right thing in their current slug-fest? How are they benefiting their customers and country?
8 reasons why video marketing is critical for your business success
Why do you think that stores have built-in television walls showing videos of their products? Isn’t clothes on a rack […]
Testimonial by Glenn Ensor of PennWell Int’l (2016) for Gulf Broadcast
This testimonial by Mr Glenn Ensor of PennWell was recorded at the end of the Power-Gen Europe 2016 in Milan, Italy. In it, he reflects on the relationship between Masadir Media and PennWell which was carefully and fruitfully built over the years.
Pros and Cons of In-Sourcing Marketing
Marketing is a critical element of any business. Small businesses rarely understand its impact and choose to in-source this vital […]
You are absolutely right